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Why Choose Case Ingersoll
Some Background and More Understanding of the Case Ingersoll Brand and Tractor Model Differences

We often talk to many potential tractor owners who do not know much about these commercial garden tractors. We commonly get asked, why Case Ingersoll? What sets them apart from other tractors? We wanted to take a minute to share what is so great about these tractors in particular and what DOES set them apart. Be sure to look for our video "Why Case Ingersoll Garden Tractors" We will link that video here when it comes out.

Case Ingersoll Info & Advantages!
There are many reasons and advantages Case Ingersoll garden tractors are the best choice for many people as well as businesses and have been for now over 50 years. Even though Ingersoll closed around 2015, the tractors made from the late 60s until closing are still a superior choice for many today. New tractors may no longer be rolling off the line but most parts are still being made and are available new today. Also, there is a large selection of New and Old Stock Inventory from previous and current Case Ingersoll tractors and parts dealers as well as collectors. On top of that, many common-size parts work with these USA-made machines such as common bearing sizes, shafts, hardware, and misc items. Along with the added benefit of many skilled collectors, craftsmen, and companies offering custom, upgraded, and or repopulated parts for these commercial-duty garden tractors.
Before Zero Turns and walk-behind mowers were very popular, Case Ingersoll tractors are what would be found not only in many homes but also in small businesses and landscapers. They were the go-to for many municipalities, towns, states, schools, hospitals, churches, hobby farms, and so on. They were built to last with American steel, materials, and handmade skilled and proud labor. They believed so much in their product that they were sold new with a "Life Time" warranty and marketed as the only tractor you will ever need to buy! And unlike most marketing this was true! So true that it ultimately would lead to the downfall of the company over the years. Because, though many repeat buyers purchased the newest model every so many years or upgraded to a bigger Case Ingersoll or added many attachments and options over the years, it was a want, not a need. Most of the competition building tractors with a 3-5 or maybe 10-year workable average lifespan before replacement or major overhaul. The Case Ingersolls were built so well that for most owners they were just getting "broken in" at 5 or 10 years and ready to go another 10 or 20 or more! So, the need for owners to keep replacing them was not there... From an integrity standpoint, the company was admirable in the way they did things and the way it should be done, but from a profit standpoint not so much. This also was the reason these top quality machines were priced very high as you got what you paid for and it would last, they are put together with best quality materials. During the decades these tractors and attachments cost as much as a new smaller car of the time. They were an investment and it shows as in many areas they hold their value far better than any other garden tractor or subcompact out there.
So now, some advantages C/I tractors have over the "competition".........
Let's just have Case Ingersoll tell you, have a look below at some of their marketing literature over the decades! Click on some of the pictures below. The following section, below the brochures, highlights some changes in Case Ingersolls over the years.