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Meet The Low Profile Small Wheel Team 3000 Series

The Baby of the small guys
The 3010 replaced the 220 and was powered by a 10-horsepower Kohler 1-cylinder engine. Though it was only produced for roughly a year it is thought that they had 10 horsepower engines in inventory to use up. It's said some had the "K" Series and some had the upgraded "Magnum" series engines. We have never had one here in person as they are not a common model. The market Ingersoll was intending to target at this time, there were no buyers wanting 10 horsepower machines. Though back in the day 10 horsepower was standard for working machines. But, in the 90's it was considered low and made for a hard machine to market for the price of these high-quality high-end machines. The 3010 was recommended to be used with a 38-inch mower, 38-inch snow blower, and 44-inch plow blade.

The 3012 had a lot in common with the 3010, it was powered by the single-cylinder 12 horsepower Kohler "Magnum" early on and was switched to the new Briggs & Stratton "Vanguard" V-Twin cylinder 12.5 horsepower. The 3012 stuck around a few years longer than the 3010 but was cut from the model line for basically the same reasons the 3010 did not sell well in the current market for the times. Though most 3000 series models were basically all the same besides the engine and engine horsepower, it was very clear the market wanted big power machines no matter in lawnmowers, farm tractors, cars, trucks, semis, etc. the "horsepower war of progression" is constantly going on. Don't you know bigger is better! The 3012 was recommended to be used with a 38-inch mower though would run a 44-inch deck. The 38-inch snow blower and 44-inch plow blade were nice fits.

The 3014 also had a bit in common with the 3010/3012, it was powered by the single-cylinder 14 horsepower Kohler "Magnum" early on and was also switched to the new Briggs & Stratton "Vanguard" V-Twin cylinder 14 horsepower along the way. The 3014 lasted a good bit longer, though longer than the 3010/3012 but was eventually dropped from production as the higher horsepower models were selling faster and it was not making sense to inventory all the different horsepower engines. The 3014 was recommended to be used with 38-inch and 44-inch mower decks. The 38-inch snow blower and 44-inch plow blade were happy combinations.

The 3016 was the holdout and eventually became the lowest horsepower garden tractor Ingersoll offered and we feel this was a good move. 16 horsepower is really the lowest a garden tractor should be rated. Many of those still buying the Case Ingersoll machines were using them for much more than just mowing grass. And whether the buyers were gardeners, homeowners, institutions, municipalities, farms, or commercial users, their jobs required the bigger attachments offered to save time and get the job done as efficiency was now the name of the game for profit and bragging rights in the neighborhood or field! The 3016 was originally offered with the updated powerful Onan "Performer" P216 2 cylinder 16 horsepower Industrial engine power plant. This engine produces plenty of power to make stuff happen! Eventually, the US EPA would put an end to a dynasty of the big powerful valve in head opposing cylinder Onan engines. And The 16 horsepower V-Twin Briggs & Stratton Vanguard would be used in place. Though both 16 horsepower the Briggs a great engine in its own right was no Onan and did not make the low-end power the Beefy Onan's did. But the Vanguards used less fuel doing the light-duty tasks. For heavy tasks, it could be said they used more fuel as they worked harder to get the jobs done. The 4016 could be fitted to run 44, 48, and 60-inch mower decks, the 38 or 48 Snow Castors, the heavy-duty 44 or massive 54-inch utility dozer blades, and any other attachments that were available from Case Ingersoll. For very heavy work, the 16-horsepower machines are the minimum one wants in our opinion.

The 3018 was a great model and very versatile! Like the others early on it was powered by the Big 48 cubic inch Onan's and later the 34 cubic inch Vanguards were used both being 18 horsepower. But as the saying goes for pure power there is no replacement for displacement. That said though the Onan's took more fuel to feed those bigger combustion chambers. The 3018 could take any of the attachments available and handle them, all very well and even being a low-profile small tire machine they could work side by side with the Big Wheel models 90 percent of the time. For many, this was the best of both worlds you have the big power like many of the Big Wheel models but have it in a more compact package that sat lower to the ground if that was what you were looking for.

Well, I guess technically the 3020 was the true "Big Dog of the small wheel low pros. With its big powerful 2 cylinders 20 horsepower Onan, the same engine as the 18 horsepower Performer Onan with just a different cam and bigger specked carb. BUT, there are so few of these out there that many have never even seen them! They only came with Onan's and were the same tractor always as the 3018 but with a 20-horse engine. We would guess there was 1 of these in at least every 100 of the other models that's how rare they were. And at some point, most of those looking for the real high Horsepower machines were also looking for bigger machines as well for those bigger tasks and would opt for the big wheel series machines.