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Parts Policy And Our Pricing Strategy
PLEASE READ- We offer many new custom kits & parts for sale along with many NEW & USED common parts and ones that we stock and use frequently here in our shop. We are always adding parts all the time to the site. We do not stock a "full" catalog of Case Ingersoll parts as we do not currently have the facilities to warehouse every Case Ingersoll part in our physical inventory. Though we have a lot of parts in stock and ship 6 days a week to US and Canada. BUT we can have many, many current and older stock parts available in 2 or 3 days most times. So be sure to ask us for what parts you need that are not listed on our site **PLEASE NOTE WHEN SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES ARE PRESENT WE MAY SUBSTITUTE PARTS OF THE BEST POSSIBLE QUALITY WE CAN (SOMETIMES BETTER THEN OEM) WE ONLY DO THIS WHEN WE HAVE TO, AND RESERVE THE RIGHT TO DO SO. EITHER WE DO THIS OR THE OTHER OPTION IS TO NOT OFFER THE PARTS FOR SALE. SO WE DO THE BEST WE CAN TO KEEP YOU UP AND RUNNING AND TRY TO KEEP THE PRICE FAIR AS WELL. THANKS FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING.** Parts are only a piece of our business along with service and sales of equipment. Our pricing policy is simple some times we may not be the lowest-priced option for a few reasons. BUT.....
ONE The garden tractor and more specifically the Case Ingersoll community is small. We do not see anyone as or want to be in "competition" with anyone. To the point, we are friends with many of the other dealers and distributors. We choose to get our parts from multiple other Case Ingersoll dealers and distributors intentionally to help support them and keep our community strong and keep them going too. As we move a very large volume of parts, we sometimes also buy directly from the source and or manufactures. So when you buy from us you are also buying and helping support the other multiple other dealers/distributors out there! We are not out here to take business away but the opposite as our hope is this website will bring in new customers for both us and those we buy parts from and expose many more to the Case Ingersoll brand!
TWO You will also notice that we do offer some single small parts, but we put together many full and complete kits to make it simple for the customer to do a job completely without having to worry about "if they found and ordered ALL the correct parts they need." We did the hard work of looking up all the part numbers, installing them to make sure they are complete and work first, then offer them in a kit that is basically click, pay and get a box of everything you should need for a job. These kits we put together and offer are the same ones we use in our shop and now offer these kits to you. Most are not available as kits anywhere else.
THREE We have figured that we spend on average 10 to 15 hours a week or more helping people with issues with their tractors. Either on FaceBook groups/posts/private messages, Forums, Emails, and many phone calls. Every minute we are doing this it is taking time away from us making money working on customers' machines or getting orders out as well as many after work hours communications taking away family time. This IS A LOT of time that we are not getting paid for. We know that many people would not work 1 hour a week let alone 15 or more and not get paid for it. So, we would hope that those we help doing this, would support us and they appreciate the help, advice, and money we save them by trouble shooting and giving advice. And that they would buy the parts and supplies from us and that the little higher cost for some parts far offsets the help we provide and money we save them. And the value people get from our You Tube how to, trouble shooting, install and all other videos we produce is considered when choosing who you do business with. As well as with our suburb reputation for not only our before, but our after "the sale" customer service. When advice, install questions or any issues arise we are here for "our customers" many times, even after hours we try to respond to those in need as often as we can and hope all see the great value in this!
FOUR Parts are only a part of our business model and you will notice we do not list many smaller parts, one reason for this is we are a small business with only 1 to 2 people here so for us to carry the overhead, pull and ship small orders it is not practical or cost-effective for us to do so at this time. So this is why we do not offer a full catalog of parts on the website and offer what we do on the site. But if you have multiple parts not on our site or more expensive parts you need not on site we are happy to get them for you as we have access to all available new Case Ingersoll parts as well as many used & some no longer available parts.
PRICE SHOPPING With all the above mentioned realize if you are trying to find the very lowest price all the time we might not be it, realize it takes us time to look up parts prices and availability as most times we have to make calls as in today's world prices can literally change weekly so please consider this and our pricing policies when asking for parts prices and availability of those not listed on our sites we kindly ask you to be serous in following through with your purchase from us please. Thank You we appreciate any and all business and support.