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Tune Ups & Maintenance Services
We offer engine tune up, service work and maintenance programs. From Basic seasonal filter and fluid changes, standard tune ups to full master engine services including tune ups and service, valve adjustments, Decarbons and gasket replacements, carburetor adjustments, cleanings, rebuilds. Ignition component replacement and timing and much more. Our most comprehensive programs are listed below, but we work on many models and brands and can tailor a program to your budget. ALSO ALL FULL SERVICE AND REPAIR SERVICES OFFERED.
Onan “B” Full Engine Service And Tune Up
Change engine (conventional) oil, OEM engine oil filter (where applicable), spark plugs, spark plug wires, decarbon heads and valves, test intake, quick carb bowl only clean and flush and new gasket, New Intake gaskets, head gaskets, valve cover gaskets, Air cleaner gasket, adjust the valves, time engine, replace points and condenser if needed or clean and adjust, replace fuel line from pump/filter to carb, new fuel filter, new air filter.
Includes assessment of machine condition and needs. Many additional options and upgrades available.
Kohler “K” Full Engine Service And Tune Up
Change engine oil (conventional), spark plug, spark plug wire, decarbon head and valves, quick carb & bowl only clean, flush, chem. treat and adjust carb, head gasket, valve cover gaskets, adjust the valves, time engine, replace points and condenser, replace fuel line from pump/filter to carb, new fuel filter, new air filter Includes assessment of machine condition and needs. Many additional options and upgrades available.
Seasonal Tune Ups
Change engine oil, engine oil filter (where applicable), spark plugs, time engine (where applicable,) new fuel filter, new air filter. Chem treat fuel system and quick assess of machine.
Other Replacement And Install Services
-Holding Valve Install
-3 Point Hitch Install
-Rear PTO Install
-Underseat PTO Install
-OEM key ignition switch install.
-Battery and install
-New battery and starter cables install
-New standard Travel control linkage
-Heavy Duty upgraded Travel control linkage kit Install
-Hydraulic cylinder rebuild/reseal for mid lift J26, HH34 3 point cylinders.
-Rebuild Loader And Backhoe Cylinders
-Master Steering And Front End Upgrade Kit Install, includes full steering alignment and adjustment.
-Install weldable extreme duty axle pin and weld install.
-Custom Loader Pin And Install & Welding on loaders. Backhoes are by the hour.
-Refresh Of Manual Front EZ Adjust PTO On 200, 400, 600 Series Tractors Includes Refresh Kit
-Steam Clean Service
Onan Performer “P” Full Engine Service And Tune Up
Change engine oil (conventional), engine oil filter, spark plugs, spark plug wires, decarbon heads and valves, quick clean and flush of carb bowl only and new gasket, New Intake gaskets, head gaskets, valve cover gaskets, adjust the valves, replace fuel line from pump/filter to carb, new fuel filter, new air filter. Includes assessment of machine condition and needs. Many additional options and upgrades available.
Briggs and Stratton Vanguard Full Engine Service and Tune Up
Change engine oil with 15-50 synthetic oil, High Capacity engine oil filter, spark plugs, quick carb and bowl clean, flush & new gasket, Carb chem treat, adjust the valves, replace fuel line from pump/filter to carb, new fuel filter, new High Capacity air filter. Includes assessment of machine condition and needs. Many additional options and upgrades available.
Additional Engine Services And Add On's
-Basic And Full Carb Cleaning Options, On an off machine options.
-Full Carb AND Fuel Pump Rebuilds and 3 step clean with chem bath, ultrasonic cleaning and manual and pressurized air cleaning. New Carb parts, gaskets and components. Along with carb final adjustment.
- Test Intake Manifolds
-Reseal Intake Manifolds
-Install NEW Carburetors
-Install New Coils
-Change Spark Plug Wires
-Replace Battery
-Replace Entire Fuel Line
-Much More
Tractor Chassis Full Service
Tractor Chassis And Hydraulic Full Service.
For most Case Ingersoll models.
Change hydraulic oil and filter where applicable, change rear end fluid, grease & lube tractor, adjust brakes, adjust engine pto where applicable, Align steering. Includes assessment of machine condition and needs.