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C44408, C33214, C21816, C22768, and other numbers Replacement aftermarket Kohler "K" Series Engine Carburetor for 14-16 Horsepower K321 - K341 Engines used on 444, 224, 644 Case Ingersoll Models and many other brands of tractors and equipment. We have found out of the many aftermarket options out there (many are junk). This carb has been the most consistent, most reliable, and best performing choice out of the many we have tried. We have sold and used many of these with very few having issues. OEM carbs are next to impossible to find, and when you do, they are $350 to $450! So that is why we only offer this option as after testing and trying many others this one is the one we use and choose to sell as a aftermarket option is sure better than no carb or $400 carb. Also, this kit comes with linkage for the carb and governor as well as a few choke options and gaskets.


NOTE- the installed choke lever will operate backward on is off and off is on. There is another choke shaft you can try as some have had success with it. But we normally just take the choke lever from your current carb and install it in this carb. Look at "SHOP TIPS"

bellow. This kit comes with gaskets for carb to block, gasket for air cleaner (will have to punch top screw hole), choke lever options, throttle and governor linkages as well as a high capacity high quality fuel filter to protect or new carb and clamps.


OPTION- To add our awesome Kohler Fuel pump replacement retrofit kit. We put this custom kit together to solve a very common and frustrating issue for thousands and thousands of Kohler engine owners. This is a cost-effective quality and lasting solution we have in this kit with all you need to do the change over to a reliable fuel pump on your Kohler "K" , Magnum, and other engines. The OEM Kohler fuel pumps or getting very hard to find and are priced crazy, depending on the model $150 to $300 for one! And we have searched and tried countless aftermarket options, even from quality and trusted suppliers, and have not found 1 suitable and reliable alternative. Many aftermarket parts can work well and save money. It is a very fast and simple install, basically plug and play with high-quality components! For more info on this kit, check out its listing on this site or watch our YouTube video and link it pump listing.


SHOP TIPS - When removing your old choke shaft to swap, we recommend grinding, fileing, etc, the backs of the tiny screws sticking out of your current choke butterfly screws so you lessen and chance of breakage. Also, be mindful when removing the choke levers. There is a tiny ball and spring that keep tension on the lever. It is located behind choke lever in the left-hand screw hole for air cleaner.

Most times, no adjustment is needed, but with these aftermarket carbs, adjustment can be very touchy. Make sure the engine is warmed up and only turn screws a very little at a time and adjust with the air filter on. ALSO, REMEMBER if using the choke lever that is installed with carb , your choke lever will work BACKWARD!

C44408, C33214, C21816 Kohler Carburetor K Series 14-16 Horsepower K321 - K341

PriceFrom $98.00


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